Browse by Cluster

AA1 Future Carbon Storage: Synergies and trade-offs of carbon storage along pathways of land transformation
A2 Past Futures: Micro-histories of rural development in southern Tanzania
A4 Future Conservation: Towards an African Eden? Shifting bio-cultural frontiers and the (re)coupling of social-ecological relations in the conservation areas
A5 Future Roads: Road mediated trade-offs of roads between conservation and development
BB1 Invasive Futures: The social ecology of rangelands in changing savanna environments
B2 Future Infections: Linking social-ecological transformation and arthropod-borne infections
B3 Violent Futures? Contestations Along the Frontier
B5 Science Futures: Between ‘intensification’ and ‘conservation’ discourses on African rural development
CC1 Future in Chains: Socio Economic Impacts of Growth Corridors
C2 Energy Futures: Infrastructures and governance for renewable energies
C3 Green Futures: Ecological Growth and the Politics of Land-Use Change
C5 Framing Futures: Temporal frames of reference in land conversions
C7 Creating Health Futures: Welfare-policy planning in Tanzania from the 1960s to the 1980s
C8 Job Futures: Agriculture, rural transformation and employment
TT1 ERC Rewilding the Anthropocene
ZZ1 Central Administrative Project
Z2 Data Management and Services (INF)
Z3 Combined Farm/Household Survey
Z4 Integrated Research and Training Group (IRTG)