Collaborative Research Centre 228: Future Rural Africa: Household Survey (Wave II-2023) - Tanzania

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Title:Main Title: Collaborative Research Centre 228: Future Rural Africa: Household Survey (Wave II-2023) - Tanzania
Description:Abstract: Abstract: This is a household survey dataset of rural households from Morogoro and Iringa regions in Central Tanzania, collected in June, July, and August 2023 as part of the Collaborative Research Center 228: Future Rural Africa project. In Tanzania, this project is a collaboration between the University of Bonn and the University of Cologne and Mzumbe University. The dataset is organised in 15 sections including household socio-demographic characteristics, aspiration and locus of control, asset holding, shock exposure, livestock and cropping patterns among others. The survey captures 3,919 individuals in 871 households across 60 enumeration areas. The dataset is provided in three different formats including CSV, STATA (dta) and SPSS (sav). A data dictionary and detailed codebook is also included with the dataset.
Identifier:10.5880/TRR228DB.26 (DOI)
Related Resources:References Dataset (URL)
References Dataset (URL)
References Dataset (URL)
References Dataset (URL)
Citation Advice:Gebrekidan, B. H, Elias, J., Tups, G., Ndunguru, M. J., Ihli, H. J., Börner, J., Dannenberg, P., & Heckelei, T. (2024). Collaborative Research Centre 228: Future Rural Africa: Household Survey (Wave II) (2023) - Tanzania. University of Bonn & University of Cologne. CRC/TRR228 Database (TRR228DB).
Responsible Party
Creators:Bisrat Haile Gebrekidan (Author), Jackson Elias Nzira (Author), Gideon Tups (Author), Moses January Ndunguru (Author), Hanna Julia Ihli (Author), Jan Börner (Author), Peter Dannenberg (Author), Thomas Heckelei (Author)
Contributors:Anna Justin (Data Collector), Doris Edmund Macha (Data Collector), Faraja Pius Mtono (Data Collector), Freeman Munisi (Data Collector), Irene Rebeccah Madiavalle (Data Collector), Jakob Shauri Daniel (Data Collector), Jame Michael Bonga (Data Collector), Judith Frank Pongeza (Data Collector), Mafuru Bigambo Lwigga (Data Collector), Myonga Boniphace Mbungu (Data Collector), Theobald Theodery (Researcher), Javier Revilla Diez (Researcher), Matin Qaim (Researcher), Michael Bollig (Researcher), Martin Parlasca (Researcher), Carolin Hulke (Researcher), Linus Kalvelage (Researcher)
Funding Reference:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): CRC/TRR 228: Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation
Publisher:TRR228 Database (TRR228DB)
Publication Year:2024
File Details
Data Type:Dataset - Dataset
File Size:6.9 MB
Date:Available: 28.08.2024
Mime Type:application/zip
Data Format:ZIP
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the TRR228DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the TRR228DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[TRR228DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Data
Temporal Extent:24.06.2023 - 03.08.2023
Subtype:Social Science Data
Sampling Procedure:Nonprobability
Collection Mode:Face to Face Interview
Collection Tool:Structured Questionnaire
Analysis Units:3919 (Individual)
871 (Household)
60 (Geographic Unit)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Hanna Ihli
Metadata Created:28.08.2024
Metadata Last Updated:28.08.2024
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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Dataset Statistics
Page Visits:46
Metadata Downloads:11
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